
Thursday, May 30 ยท 7 - 10pm at the Rendezvous, 2322 2nd Avenue Seattle, WA 98121. I am excited to perform with Seattle Guitar Orchestra at this event:"More than just a live concert, more than just a cinematic explosion of guitar, Tonight we collide the best of the world of live music with the best of cinematic excellence featuring...

I am excited to be performing with Seattle Guitar Orchestra at Northwest Folklife Festival Sunday May 26, on the Artist at Play Welcome Stage at 1:30pm. Here are the details:

I am excited to be a sponsor of, and play at the Everett Film Festival on April 6, 2024! Beginning as a women's film festival in 1994, today the Everett Film Festival "offer(s) engaging and thought-provoking films from across the country and around the globe with a unique look into the lives of women through documentaries, feature films, animations...

The Recording and Films of Seattle Guitar Orchestra performing the concertos "The Secret Life of Trees" and "My First Concert" will premiere at a screening and concert Thursday, March 14, 2024 at the Good Shepherd Center in Seattle. SGO director, Mark Hilliard Wilson, commissioned these works by Ukrainian composer Oleg Boyko in solidarity with...

I am pleased to accompany the Concord Chamber Choir in their holiday concert this year where I will be playing some Baroque, Classical and Folk arrangements.. The Concord Chamber Choir is directed by Giselle Wyers, and the concert will include repertoire from Buxtehude, Monteverdi, Celerio, and others. I will also play a piece with the Con Brio...

I am happy to be playing live solo guitar for opera-goers during the weekend of Tacoma Opera's Carmen, in the lobby of the Pantages Theater before each opera - October 6 & 8. This is part of a Tacoma Opera initiative to highlight local artists.

The Seattle Guitar Orchestra will release a film and an audio recording of The Secret Life of Trees, written by Oleg Boyko, a guitar concerto I was honored to play the solo part in this year. The project was commissioned by Mark H. Wilson, who directed this, and co-sponsored by the Seattle Classic Guitar Society, with film and recording...

I am happy to share that Seattle Guitar Orchestra will be performing on Classical King FM, Friday May 19th, at 7 p.m. Please tune to 98.1 to hear us on Northwest Focus Live!

Saturday, April 29, at 7:00 p.m., I will be playing in a Free Concert at Lake Country Baptist Church. It will feature guitarists Robert Vierschilling, Stella Kosim and Filipp Shabalov. We will have solo performances and an ensemble performance of Vivaldi. The concert is free and Lake Country Baptist Church will be collecting donations for Operation...

It was an honor to perform the Secret Life of Trees at the Northwest Guitar Festival with the Seattle Guitar Orchestra and Special Guests! Here is a performance video.

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